Why to Use Django in 2022 : Benefits over other frameworks


Python has always been the first choice of programming language for beginner programmers and even for most AI-ML Tech enthusiasts people, Python is the first choice for their projects. Well everybody knows that python has a special place when it comes to AI-ML and data Science but when it comes to web development or especially backend development, python has a special place as well, Python has good Frameworks which work well for web application development, one of them is Django, which is known for its speed, easy to use and its ability to scale rapidly, you might get shocked that Django is so much capable that even Applications like Instagram, Spotify, Pinterest Uses Django, Even NASA uses Django for its internal applications. Even in 2022, Django is highly used by backend developers to develop their applications, with that being said let's see what Django has for you that you can use for your next Project.

Architecture of Django 

Django is been designed in such a way that it almost fulfills all the requirements of modern application development at ease, there are so many internal configuration that needs to be done in other frameworks which Django automates for you, you just need to focus on your business logic rather than internal configuration, such as managing media files, managing secret and API Keys, managing middlewares and securing request-response mechanism ( using CSRF-token Mechanism), etc. 

Django has already segregated all the entities like managing URLs, writing views, and defining Database Models. Django has a very resilient and less complex flow of execution, which includes request-response flow, and middleware execution.

for a broader view, whenever a request arrives at a Django backend from the client, it first gets checked if its a proper request designated for this application or not by checking the csrf-token, and if the request is valid then only, Django checks the endpoint for which the request has been made and if Django finds that URL in urls.py file then it fetches the view name that is mapped with the URL endpoint and then Django process that view in views.py file and returns the response after processing the view function.

This broader picture is also known as the MVT Flow of execution in Django


MVT pattern

MVT  stands for Model-View-Template, Model defines the database architecture of the application's Database present in the Models.py file, When you render a webpage, your browser displays a user interface called the View. Jinja files, HTML, CSS, and Javascript files are used to represent it. and The static portions of the desired HTML output and the unique syntax describing the placement of dynamic content make up a template.


Benefits over other frameworks

Django has undoubtebly has many benefits over other frameworks, doesn't mean other frameworks are not good/relevant in today's market, every framework has a benefit over others so does Django few of its benefits are mentioned below:


1. A more improved CDN connection and content management system

Due to the availability of more CDN control, this capability is one of the primary reasons that startup businesses and social media platforms like Instagram use Django.

Content delivery networks, or CDNs for short, are unique servers that house the multimedia and content that streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime employ. Due to their proximity to the client, these servers simply host the multimedia and resources for your webpage, allowing them to serve it more quickly and so boost customer satisfaction.


2. Swift Processing

Given that Django's architecture is unique compared to every other framework in the market, it has a respectable advantage over competing frameworks.

The resources can be placed on a CDN, which simplifies and speeds up the entire process of transmission over the Internet. This means that Django uses the MTV architecture. The Django server manages the situation reasonably well while still retaining speed.

Significant differences between the Django Architecture and other frameworks


3. Rapid Development

Due to Django's MTV Architecture's implementation of the notion of loosely linked components, development times are quick. It implies that we can work on many components concurrently, which will make integration much simpler.

This characteristic of Django distinguishes it significantly from other frameworks, and it is now the best for industry-wide rapid development.


4. Scalable

The world's top web developers with extensive expertise and understanding created the Django framework. This eliminates all but a very slim chance that Django's user authentication scheme contains security flaws.

Like the Laravel Framework in PHP, which sends data using the GET Method and even makes our entered passwords public, Django already takes care of this. Although it also transmits data using the Get Method, all passwords and critical information are automatically encrypted with a lengthy security key. We are unable to view the password even in the Django database.





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